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If they don't give you
a seat at the table.
Bring your own Klapstoel

Our mission is to close the gender career gap and we do that by connecting young female talents with senior career women, with whom they can talk about their ambitions and challenges at work.

12-Week Program

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Join our 12-week intensive Klapstoel Academy Program and connect with like-minded professionals on topics like career strategy, conflict management, and parenthood. You will be trained and coached by senior career women on these topics in our Senior Classes, Peer Sessions, One-on-One Coachings, and network events.

Equity Training

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Invite your colleagues and teams to challenge their assumptions and biases when it comes to gender in our gender equity training. We create awareness of common unconscious biases and behaviors, give you insights into the statistics on gender differences, and give concrete and actionable advice on what to do about it in your organization.

Klapstoel Academy Program


Take a seat. 
We’ll teach you how to set boundaries, be financially independent, confident and resilient in conversations and negotiations, heard and appreciated in your field of work and have a healthy balance between your work and private life.




We’re a generation
of women that don’t
take s*** anymore,
and we have a huge
gender career gap
to close.

Klapstoel Academy is known for making an impact. It’s an experience that’ll change the outlook on your career and work life. It’ll make a massive difference, give you unbelievable strength and a kick-start on building a community of like-minded women (friends) who accept you, understand 

you and support you.

"Think of all the marvelous women before you, who hustled and paved the way. Now it's your turn."

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Johanna Spiller

Founder Klapstoel Academy

I picture my ultimate chair to be a sleek, dark green lux office chair, that has a soft pillow, strong back and can roll around.

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Bente Knoppers

Program Manager

My ideal chair would be squared, coloured deep sea blue, big with broad arm rests and soft, but firm.

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Joana Viveiros

Social Media and Program Manager Intern

My dream chair would be indigo, with wooden legs and gold details, comfortable, and supportive.

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United in a mission to close
the gender career gap

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